Monday 19 November 2007

Road rage

I was stuck in traffic on the M25 the other day, crawling at 10 mph towards a long line of cones, where the motorway narrowed from three lanes to one.

I passed a sign that said: "Road works ahead".

"Oh no it doesn't!" I shouted to no one in particular.


hirekatsu said...

This is what's technically known as a "Dad joke".

The Count said...

You're getting old Hirekatsu.

Unknown said...

I said something similar about the things that make all the flashes and bangs on the 5th November.

hirekatsu said...

Yes, very good Pierre, especially seeing as you'd have been making an homage to my original joke as to the popularity of Madame Tussauds, as made back on Wednesday 29 August 2007.