Monday, 10 March 2008

I can't be bothered to think of a proper title for this joke...

What is a mollusc's favourite industrial band?

Nine Inch Snails


hirekatsu said...

Good joke, sir.

Geenious said...

Hang your head in shame I heard that Joke on Wackaday...Timmy Mallett told it whilst sitting in a tank of custard and beans in 1989.

Prove me wrong and I'll give you a quid.

Cosmic Horse said...

Damn it. Just checked Wikipedia 'cos I thought Nine Inch Nails might not've existed in 1989... but they did. 1988. Bugger. Well, I can't prove it, but really, what are the chances of me having seen that Timmy Mallett thing? EVERYONE'S seen Pulp Fiction, so you must've nicked yours, fact. Keep that head hanged.