Wednesday 10 February 2010

Nom nom nom nom

Q: Why was the man, who had recently eaten a load of food, feeling grumpy?

A: Because he had just been fed up.


Cosmic Horse said...

Sorry, Pierre, but if you know the etymology, this doesn't really qualify as a joke. More of a fact (but only if he's a horse), as the phrase comes from the observation that horses become grumpy and lethargic when they've just been fed. That's also why people talk about being fed up "to the back teeth", although I'm pretty sure that was never tried with a real horse. Might've been a bit cruel, like that scene in Se7en.

Cosmic Horse said...

Pedantryyy, pedantry. I love it.

Unknown said...

I was going to diss your pedantry but then オテモヤン made a far more compelling and convincing argument than you and there was nothing I could say.

Cosmic Horse said...

I could do that; "blah blah SEX blah blah blah blah blah". See? Easy. I think he's just trying to convince people he's clever by playing to the lowest common denominator. The twat.